Poster Guidelines

  • All posters should be available in E-poster format
  • The posters selected for physical poster presentation will be notified 2 weeks before the conference. They should also prepare the oral presentation
  • Physical poster presentation will be on 30/08/24 at the conference venue at 4.30 PM

Poster Guidelines
Please adhere to the following instructions for poster presentation:
  1. Please bring the poster of the submitted abstract along with you
  2. The poster size should be 2.5 feet in width & 3.5 feet in height, in portrait mode
  3. Poster displays will be limited to one side tack board. Text should be readable from four feet away
  4. The heading of the poster should include abstract title, author names (Presenting author being the first author) and institution
  5. Please organize your poster into the following sub-headings: Purpose/objective of the study, Materials and methods, Results and Conclusion
  6. Use a minimum font size of 18 points
  7. Posters should be visually appealing, with appropriate tables/images
  8. Panel boards for displaying the posters along with pins/tapes will be provided at the conference venue
  9. Presenters should be present by the side of the respective posters, while the Judges evaluate the abstracts
  10. The results/awards will be announced on September 1, 2024 (Sunday) during the Valedictory function
  11. Delegates are encouraged to view the posters during the tea/lunch breaks

NOTE: All posters will be judged by an expert panel of judges. The decision of the judges will be final and cannot be challenged.

For any query related to poster, please mail

E-Poster Guidelines
Please adhere to the following instructions for the E-poster presentation:
  1. Presenting authors must submit their E-Poster to by 25/08/2024.
  2. E-Poster must be submitted in JPEG/PNG or PDF format only.
  3. E-Poster should be in the ratio of 4000px width x 2250px height (16:9) in Landscape Orientation (High Resolution).
  4. The heading of the E-poster should include abstract title, author names (Presenting author being the first author) and institution.
  5. Please organize your E-poster into the following sub-headings: Purpose/objective of the study, Materials and methods, Results and Conclusion.
  6. Your submitted E-poster will be available on the E-poster platform for the delegates to view during the conference.
  7. Hyperlinks, animated images, and animations are not permitted for E-Posters.

NOTE: For any query related to e-poster, please mail

Video Abstract Guidelines
Please adhere to the following instructions for video presentation:
  1. The opening frames of the video should include the title of the abstract and all authors' names and institution.
  2. The written and spoken language must be English.
  3. The video must include audio narration or background music.
  4. The Video length must not exceed 5 minutes. Selected candidate's Video presentation will be followed by 2 minutes of QA round.
  5. Videos should be submitted in HD format. Accepted file types: MPEG-2, MP4, QuickTime H-264, Windows Media Files, raw video files (.avi with little or no spatial compression), MAC compatible files.
  6. Frame rate: When preparing your video for upload, it is best to maintain the video's native frame rate when compressing your video. If your footage exceeds 60 FPS, we will automatically reduce the frame rate. If there is an option for key frames, choose the same value you used for frame rate. Always choose "constant" frame rate instead of "variable" frame rate.
  7. Bit rate: If your video editing software gives you the option, select "variable" and select a minimum bit rate between 2,000kb/s – 25,000kb/s depending on file resolution.
  8. Revisions and resubmissions will not be accepted after 25/08/2024.
  9. The results/awards will be announced on September 1, 2024 (Sunday) during the Valedictory function.

NOTE: All video submissions will be judged by an expert panel of judges. The decision of the judges will be final and cannot be challenged.

For any query related to video submissions, please mail